Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sennheiser HD595 Headphones - 3 Points

By Bo Saba

The critical factors in a headphones' usefulness are as follows:

1. Audio Quality

2. Comfortability

3. Aesthetics

Thankfully when shopping for new headphones, the Sennheiser HD 595 headphones seemed to pop up everywhere. People on many forums are talking about them, reviewing them and buying them. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive too. Everyone just loves their sound quality and detail.

It has a transparent vibe with a very balanced spectrum overall. You really get a sense of the personality or texture of the source you're listening to. While the HD595 headphones are a mid-level model of the Sennheiser range, they can easily compete with the ultra high end models from other brands.

These are definitely not bassy headphones. If you prefer that type of sound a good eq or headphone amp (or both) will warm these up quite a bit. If you compare them to most closed type headphones they will seem a little thin. However, those headphones are bass boosted to sell more. The quality of the bass is very low and has no real punch or substance. The bass on these is deep, extended and real. It's just not in your face is all.

Maybe the biggest drawcard about these headphones are their insane comfort. The clamping force (how hard the headband pushes on your head) is very low, the ear cups are really large and sit way off your ears. The ear pads wont make you sweaty and the open design lets your ears breathe. The best part though is that they are exceptionally light so you'll get totally absorbed in your entertainment without being reminded that you're wearing headphones.

The design is another thing which I quite like. It's understated yet cool. The silver accents, black headband and grille with the Sennheiser logo underneath are all nice touches without looking garish or distasteful. Overall, the Sennheiser HD595 headphones are the best buy around right now. I recommend them for anyone who is a fan of true sound and appreciates comfortable headphones. Get them right away.

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